Présentation de l'adhérent
Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Matériaux, photonique, électronique
Company information :
Ablatom, integrator of elemental analysis solutions is an innovative company expert in LIBS technology. This chemical analysis technique by laser differs from other classical techniques by its competitive characteristics such as its sensitivity, its speed, its adaptability to the sample and its environment thus conferring a unique capacity for the chemical characterization of material surface and for the on-line real time chemical monitoring.
From the laboratory to industry, our customizable analytical solutions allow our customers to increase their productivity and competitiveness while expanding their exploration and chemical analysis capabilities.
Our multidisciplinary team of experts is involved in the entire chain of customer needs: From the technical feasibility study through the provision of analysis and chemical imaging to the development and design of LIBS instruments and software.