Présentation de l'adhérent
Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
- Energy & Smart buildings
Company information :
The Association Lasers and Plasmas (ALP) was founded in 2008 by the CEA, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region, the University of Bordeaux and the École Polytechnique
The main missions of the ALP are:
• Organize access of the national and international scientific communities to the high-energy and high-intensity laser facilities (LMJ and PETAL) located on the CEA-CESTA site.
• Support the implementation of the laboratory programs of the Association’s member through the use of CEA-CESTA facilities and/or national or international facilities.
• Support the construction and operation of new research instruments.
• Coordinate and promote actions around major LMJ and PETAL laser projects.
• Ensure the interface between scientific collaborations initiated in the framework of academic research and the industrial world.