
Informations pratiques

Company type :




Company size :

TPE (1 - 10 salariés)

Address :

29 Boulevard Marius Thomas
13007 Marseille

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
Company information :
Engineering service in optical instrumentation (study, design, integration) for research and industry (medical, nuclear, green industry, energy, telecoms, microelectronics, security, space, production, consumer applications, etc.).

Edition of an online software (Saas mode) allowing the analysis of optical systems but also the processing of numerous calculations in photonics (laser, optical fiber, optoelectronics, geometric optics, diffraction, interference, radiometry / photometry). In addition to software handling support, practical case solving help is offered to users.

This interactive software is intended for engineers, technicians, researchers, teachers and students working in photonics, whatever their field of activity, whether they are beginners or experts. One of the priorities of the service is the rapid uploading of new functionalities desired by users.

Notre localisation

29 Boulevard Marius Thomas,
13007 Marseille