Présentation de l'adhérent
Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
- Health
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
- Communication & Security
- Energy & Smart buildings
Company information :
Financed by the Excellence Initiative of the University of Bordeaux, LAPHIA aims to create a consortium around sciences of light – optics, photonics, lasers. The Bordeaux pole in optics is already recognized as leading in several fields: high energy lasers, hot plasmas, laser-matter interaction physics, material science. The Aquitaine Region has brought together buisnesses and research scientists to creat France's biggest regional laser-optics industry.
In this favorable context, LAPHIA aims to federate the whole relevant academic community around coherent and innovative projects in lasers and photonics, while strengthening the links with the CEA. The unique Centre of excellence structure will promote Bordeaux among the most visible centres in Lasers and Photonics at European and international levels, attracting students, researchers and private companies.