Présentation de l'adhérent
Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Company information :
The Cape offers methods adapted to organizations, their leaders and managers with:
Strategic, organizational, SQVCT or even ISO 9001 audits -
Consulting-Training to “equip our clients in managing their change”: Reorganization/GEPP/Careers
Innovative and unique skills assessments: “Managing your career with a skills assessment” addressed to executives and managers.
Qualiopi certified for our training and skills assessments, we guarantee the transparency of our quality approach for each of our interventions.
AFNOR ISO 9001 Certification – Driving -Evaluation of Health, Quality of Life and Working Conditions approach – Canadian Standard BNQ 9700 800.
Individual and collective MBTI certification - Myers Briggs Company -
Cape Town is a Mission Company with a commitment to “Care for the human connection”.
Video presentation of the Cape project - 2 minutes