
Informations pratiques

Company type :

Autre, Cluster, Pôle


MéCHIN David

Address :

4 Rue Louis de Broglie
22300 Lannion

Vos Contacts référents

MéCHIN David

02 96 48 01 37

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Microwaves - Electronics
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
- Health
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
- Communication & Security
- Energy & Smart buildings
- Photonics - Lasers
Company information :
Photonics in Brittany is represented by Photonics Bretagne, a Photonics Innovation Hub located in the Photonics Park in Lannion (Brittany, France).
The association integrates a cluster which gathers more than 110 members and a research and technology organisation (RTO) expert in biophotonics, specialty optical fibres and components.

Our missions:

• Support innovation in the field of Photonics in Brittany and industrial development of its members,
• Promote the integration of photonics technologies in applications sectors (agrifood, agriculture, medical, industry, defense/security…),
• Connect our partners with the right technology providers from our network,
• Support the structuring of collaborative projects,
• Offer tailor-made training in photonics
• Technology transfer,
• Design and manufacture specialty optical fibres and components, under the brand PERFOS®.

Notre localisation

4 Rue Louis de Broglie,
22300 Lannion