
Informations pratiques

Company type :




Company size :

PME (11 – 250 salariés)

Address :

1 Avenue d'Ester
87100 Limoges

Vos Contacts référents


06 12 64 13 63

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Microwaves - Electronics
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Health
- Photonics - Lasers
- Other
Company information :
Sanodev specializes in the study, design, manufacture and marketing of ecological disinfection devices.
Our solutions use physical and residual-free technologies (pulsed light, UVstatic, microwave, plasma and electric arc) that allow the destruction of specific pathogens.

Sanodev first developed the DASclean product (disinfection of waste from care activities with infectious risks).
The company continued its development by positioning itself on the AGROclean product line (disinfection of fruit and vegetables and weed control) and then, during the pandemic, developed the LP.Box (disinfection of objects carrying micro-organisms).

Today, Sanodev is evolving by offering a range of off-the-shelf products to meet specific needs such as the disinfection of surfaces, spaces and air, as well as customized solutions to meet the problems encountered.

Notre localisation

1 Avenue d'Ester,
87100 Limoges