
Informations pratiques

Company type :



COLIN Thierry

Company size :

PME (11 – 250 salariés)

Address :

11 Avenue de Canteranne
Cité de la Photonique
33600 Pessac

Vos Contacts référents


06 99 47 43 79

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
Company information :
Democratizing Data-Driven Medicine, together.

Our mission is to provide equal access to knowledge and capabilities by democratizing data-driven medicine. We are unlocking data silos and leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to draw insights from complex data sets to improve diagnosis, treatment, analysis, and drug development. We help healthcare professionals work together as a community and deploy their collective expertise for the benefit of patients and research around the world.

Notre localisation

11 Avenue de Canteranne,
Cité de la Photonique
33600 Pessac