
Informations pratiques

Company type :




Company size :

PME (11 – 250 salariés)

Address :

1 Rue Charles Tellier
17000 La Rochelle

Vos Contacts référents

PORET Marie-Hélène

06 10 39 27 67

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Health
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
- Communication & Security
- Energy & Smart buildings
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
Company information :
Storkcom has been specialized for more than 15 years in identification and traceability solutions using contactless technologies (RFID, BLE, LoRa...).
Global solutions integrator, Storkcom offers connected and customised solutions to bring companies more simplicity and reliability in their processes, reducing costs and support them in their digital transformation.
Integrator and software editor of connected solutions, Storkcom has designed and developed WIEW®: a complete range of wireless solutions to reach targets in process optimisation, traceability, or productivity gains.
Storkcom also supports its customers in their R&D projects thanks to its expertise in the design of wireless sensors.
Storkcom is revolutionising the way in which companies progress and develop by improving their operational efficiency.
Our clients : THALES GROUP, CNES, ALSTOM, PSA, AIRBUS, INITIAL, APHP (Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris),...

Notre localisation

1 Rue Charles Tellier,
17000 La Rochelle