
Informations pratiques

Company type :



TRAYNOR Nicholas

Company size :

PME (11 – 250 salariés)

Address :

11 Avenue de Canteranne
Cité de la Photonique
33600 Pessac

Vos Contacts référents


05 47 74 55 90

Logo linkedin

Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Photonics - Lasers
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Microwaves - Electronics
- Health
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
- Communication & Security
Company information :
Azurlight Systems develops, produces and commercializes innovative fiber laser technologies. Its patented design represents a real breakthrough on the laser market, especially over other solid-state technologies. The team strives to combine the most stringent fiber laser specifications: high power, single-mode, single frequency, ultra-low noise, to enable the most demanding applications. The unique all-fibered architecture allows for reliability and robustness and enables efficient integration.

Their products are intended for industrials and academics. Azurlight Systems is ISO 9001:2015 certified and relies on a well-trained global network of partners. Nevertheless, they are very close to their customers and always appreciate to provide deep understanding of their products performances and potential customization to the application.

Notre localisation

11 Avenue de Canteranne,
Cité de la Photonique
33600 Pessac