
Informations pratiques

Company type :




Company size :

PME (11 – 250 salariés)

Address :

25 Rue Marcel Issartier
Technopôle Bordeaux Technowest
33700 Mérignac

Vos Contacts référents


33 6 66 34 99 84

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Présentation de l'adhérent

Princiapl Strategic Fields of Activity :
Matériaux, photonique, électronique
Secondary Strategic Fields of Activity :
- Digital solutions & The Factory of the Future
- Aeronautics, Space & Defense
Company information :
Touch Sensity develops an innovative technology, the Sensity Tech, making materials sensitive to physical interactions while preserving their topology and without using any sensors. It allows to recover all the data from pressure, traction, deformation and internal damage suffered by a material, in real time, and having access to data in a remote way.

Then using an embedded system connected only on the periphery of the material, combined with artificial intelligence algorithms or mathematical models, it is possible to detect an interaction, characterize it, measure its intensity and locate it as a 2D or 3D mapping.

The technology can then meet needs in structural health monitoring (SHM), and in human machine interaction (HMI), having already led to a collaboration with Ariane Group, SNCF, Naval Group, Valeo, Leonardo and Airbus Development on these topics.

Notre localisation

25 Rue Marcel Issartier,
Technopôle Bordeaux Technowest
33700 Mérignac